A monthly pay out term deposit with the option of multiple tenors
HBL Advantage Plus Account gives you a flexible investment product that provides multiple profit payouts and tenures of your choice.
Note: All profits payable is subject to Zakat and Government Levies.
Terms and conditions apply
نوٹ:تمام قابلِ ادا منافع زکوٰۃ اور سرکاری ڈیوٹی سے مشروط ہے۔
شرائط و ضوابط لاگو
In case premature encashment penalty is greater than or equal to the customers accrued profit, then the premature encashment penalty will be equivalent to customers accrued profit
The calculation of premature encashment for the holding period will be based on the prevailing PLS rate or booking PLS rate, whichever is lower.
Note: All profits payable is subject to Zakat and Government Levies.
Terms and conditions apply
The basic difference between Advantage and Advantage Plus is that the profit payout frequency for Advantage Plus is monthly only. The profit for HBL AdvantagePlus is credited in customer’s current account unlike HBL Advantage for which the profit can be credited in either customer current or saving account.
HBL AdvantagePlus is available for tenors; 1, 2, 3 ,5, and 10 years.
All individuals and institutions