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HBL Mobile Account Deletion

HBL Mobile Account Deletion
Collection of Personal and Anonymous Data

​HBL Mobile and HBL Islamic apps on Android, Huawei App Store and iOS AppStore collect user data as outlined hereinbelow and shall collectively be referred to as “User Data”.

Personally identifiable Information:

Information that you provide the bank at the time of opening an account or obtaining a product, and / or update of records thereafter, and includes:

  • Customer name and contact, including postal address, email address and contact number, i.e. mobile, landline and fax
  • Debit / Credit Card information for registration onto HBL Mobile and card management features
  • User ID and authentication information to identify you, e.g. CNIC, username / login name, login password, transaction password, OTP, etc.
  • Permissions and information provided by you during app usage, either at the time of first use or when required services are being invoked, and includes:
    • NFC = to enable the HBL Pay feature of card-less POS transactions
    • Contacts = to read contacts while adding the beneficiaries in Mobile Recharge
    • Call Log = to authenticate the user’s device on which the OTP is sent
    • SMS = to fetch auto-read OTPs for device registration and to authenticate transactions
    • Camera = for QR scanning through HBL Mobile
    • Location = Collected when any transaction is done from app, if you enable that feature on your device.
    • Read/Write External Storage = To save screenshots, QR codes, e-certificates and statements of account(s) and credit card(s)
Information that is collected by default from the device, and includes:

IMEI / device ID (Since Android 10, this has deprecated so Android ID is used), Financial information, such as account numbers and transaction history, as necessary to provide the services on the HBL App.

Anonymous Information:

HBL Mobile, by default, also collects anonymous demographic information (not unique to you), such as your ZIP code, age, gender, preferences, interests and favorites. We may also collect information regarding device type, operating system version, and mobile network information. We use this information to provide and improve the App’s features and services, as well as to personalize your experience.

Data Retention and Deletion

User Data is kept in a form which permits identification of individuals only so long as necessary for fulfillment of the purposes for which it was collected in accordance with the bank’s privacy policy; and it is retained in accordance with the Record Retention Policy of the bank, and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Steps for Unregistering / Account Deletion, i.e.:
  • Open HBL Mobile and enter username & password or use fingerprint / facial recognition to Login
  • Tap on ‘More’ icon
  • Tap on ‘Unregister’ icon
  • Tap on ‘Unregister’ button
  • Tap on ‘OK’ to confirm
  • Enter the OTP received through SMS / email and tap on ‘Confirm’

The profile has been unregistered successfully.

Alternately, you can use this link to unregister your profile on HBL Mobile and Internet Banking.